Tuesday, January 22, 2008

opening scene

  1. the opening is not the same to the script ass most of the first page of the scipt has been cut out, but other than that it is based in the same erea and scene as they do meet in a run donw bar which is playing old country music. And befor that there a is a white flair in the opening showing the mist of snow coming off the car.
  2. there are some changes in the sequence are that in the beging of the scirpt it says that "Green highway signs piont the way to MOORHEAD" but in the film there is only asnowy back ground with the cars going through the snow. other than that is when Jeri meets the two men the script does not say that the older man is lent back half asleep.And then from that the only changed is that most of the first page got cut out .
  3. most of the script does portrey what we the audience are expecting to see in the movie

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

my character

Basic Information
Name: Gabriel Gilmanea
Age: As old as time
Nationality: American
Hometown: Brooklin
Current Residence: Close down where House
Occupation: Bunty hunter
Siblings: none
Spouse: none
Children: none
Grandparents: not known
Grandchildren: none
Significant Others: none
Relationship skills: emotionly broken
Physical Characteristics: strong, fast runner, has an animal instink to hunt, strong swimmer, can see in the dark
Height: 6ft 12inches
Weight: medium built
Race: white american
Skin color: white but tanned
Shape of Face: normale sharped
Distinguishing features: has spikey hair, where black face make up
How does he dress?: in black leather, silver chain with a cross
Habits: smokes
Health: heathly
Style: clever, resursful, very tactical and practical when hunting
Greatest flaw: does not like to walk in the day light
Best quality: make no noise when moving
Which character from a thriller film is your character most likened to: the crow and qunstentien

Antaganist/ protaganist

James Bond

  • orfan from aderlesence
  • middle aged
  • has not got any emotions
  • suduces woman
  • motive is usaly paid to stop the antaganist from taking over the world or from using a weapon of mass destruction
  • uses many gagets to help him in his missions

Freddy Kruger

  • started off as an chilld killer
  • was burnt to death in his shed by the towns people of Elmstreets
  • then starts to kill of the children of the ones that killed him, but in there dreams
  • is unbeatable as it is his dorghter that can only kill him or if not that just DO NOT THINK OF HIM

Eric Draven/ the crow

  • mordered with his girlfrined by a gang on Devils Night
  • brought back by THE CROW to finish unfinish buisness as he must avenge his and his girlfriends death
  • only weakness is that he gets hurt only when the crow gets hurt

thriller definition

My definition of Thriller

My definition of a thriller is a type of film which has a lot of different types of sub-genres, which also define the status of the Movie. Which change your feelings towards the film its self by changing it stance just by mixing to genres together.

Action thriller – The main piont to the story is a race against time to beat the badguy, which portrays violence, gun shot and numarouse explosions . These films usually have big amounts of guns, large fighting scenes which are for either long or short periods of time. These films often have elements of mystory and crime but these elements are not as in portant as the action. Some examples are the James Bond films, Fightclub, and Speed.
Horror thriller –Which has conflict between characters that are mentaly, physicaly and emotionaly unstable. Two recent examples of this include the Dawn of the dead and 28 Days Later. Which sets a fear facter as well as the groosem death scenes. The main character or characters are not only up against a bigger and stronger force or beeing, but they are or will soon become the “victims themselves” and emeidiatly feel fear and indangered by the monster or beast that awaits them. Other well-known examples are Hostle and The Silence of the Lambs, Red draggen, Hannible and Hannible the beginning.

Monday, January 7, 2008


boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo minty fresh